SQL: SSL and SQL Server 2008 – Creating the Certificate

One of the nice security features of SQL Server 2005 and 2008 is that it allows you to encrypt the traffic between the server and client using your own SSL certificate. This can be done using a self signed or a third party certificate from a credible CA but note that using a self signed certificate is less secure and introduces the possibilty for a man in the middle attack. The process for doing such is outlined very well on many different websites including this MSDN article.

I requested a certificate for our domain from GlobalSign and received the certificate back in the form of a text file with three sections: Regular Certificate (X509), Intermediate Certificate, and the Private Key. The file looked like the following:

Regular Certificate (X509)
Intermediate Certificate
Private Key

Having never worked with SSL before I wasn’t quite sure how to go from a text file to the needed PKCS #12 Certificate File format (.pfx file) to import the certificate into the server’s certificate store. After searching around I found that a tool called OpenSSL would do the trick. (You can download the binary files for Windows here.) It is a command line tool that allows you to manipulate SSL certificates in many different ways.

To generate the needed PKCS #12 Certificate File using OpenSSL do the following:

  1. Download and install OpenSSL from here.
  2. Save the three portions of the certificate into three separate files (Note: The Intermediate Certificate is optional, if you were not supplied with one, just skip the steps involving it):
    • privatekey.txt – Copy and paste the contents of the private key including the begin and end lines.
    • certificate.txt – Copy and paste the contents of the Regular Certificate including the begin and end lines.
    • intermediate.txt – Copy and paste the contents of the Intermediate Certificate including the begin and end lines.
  3. Move the three files into the bin folder where you installed OpenSSL (default folder is C:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin).
  4. Open the command prompt and navigate to the bin folder where you installed OpenSSL.
  5. Enter the following line and press enter (Omit ‘-certfile intermediate.txt’ if you do not have an Intermediate Certificate):
    openssl pkcs12 -export -out certificate.pfx -inkey privatekey.txt -in certificate.txt -certfile intermediate.txt

After the process completes, there will be a certificate.pfx file in the bin directory that can be used to import the certificate into the servers personal certificate store.

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29 Responses to “SQL: SSL and SQL Server 2008 – Creating the Certificate”

  1. IIS: Disappearing SSL Certificate Problem Resolved « Nick Olsen's Programming Tips Says:

    […] To resolve the problem I created the needed PKCS #12 Certificate File following the steps outlined here, and then clicked on the Import link (not the Complete Certificate Request… link) in the […]

  2. SQL: SSL and SQL Server 2008 – Service Doesn’t Start – Error Code -2146885628 « Nick Olsen's Programming Tips Says:

    […] correct format to import into the server’s Personal Certificate Store using the steps found here, I was finally ready to select the certificate and encrypt the database traffic. As outlined here I […]

  3. Instalar certificado en IIS 7 | Aloquevamos.com Says:

    […] final buscando un poco en Google, encontré esto. Es para SQL Server 2008, pero el mismo método sirve para IIS […]

  4. Ryan Says:

    I spent hours searching for a solution to this problem and this article resolved it! Thanks a million, I was at a complete loss! SSL issuing companies really do over-complicate things and should supply tools on their site that allow users to do the public and private key merge or ask the customer for the private key and do the merge themselves.
    IIS7 should also alert the user that the certificate hasn’t installed correctly if a private key wasn’t supplied.

  5. Carry Megens Says:

    Thanks for the info. The private key is however not in our received signed (Comodo) results.
    Where does IIS7 store the private key it has used to generate the Certificate Sign Request?
    Anybody know how to export that private key info?

    • Nick Olsen Says:

      You should have been given the private key when you purchased the certificate. If not, you need to contact the vendor.

      • Carry Megens Says:

        Hi Nick, nope the IIS7 server keeps the private key on the server. The Certificate Authority signs the Cerificate Sign Request (CSR) and returns the signed certificate holding their chain (intermediate and trusted authoritive root certificate).
        When you use the MMC with certificates plugin you can however see the certificate requests and export the private key form there.
        Hope this helps someone.

      • Nick Olsen Says:

        Glad you figured it out!

  6. Chris Missal (@ChrisMissal) Says:

    If you have already installed the certificate on another server, you can export the .pfx file if you know the password. This is what I needed when building a second server. Thanks for the info!

  7. Daniel Persson Says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  8. Taylor S. Says:

    Thanks a bunch, very easy to follow. Even someone as new to SSL Certificates as I am

    Odd that such a simple task is not handled by your CA. Could there be a reason they are delivered in this manner?

    • carry2webCarry Megens Says:

      @Taylor S
      The private key is as it says, yours, its private. Leave it in a secure place on your server. Do NOT expect a CA to deliver you a private key. They SIGN your certificate and make it official that it is yours. You SIGN with your private key and the certificate proves to recipients it is YOUR server.
      Hope this explains why this is by design as it is.

  9. Deeshay Says:

    Thank you for this tutorial!

  10. Sergei Says:

    Can anybody say where I can get private key for this, if I get certificate on goDaddy?
    Please help.

    • carry2webCarry Megens Says:

      The private key is as it says, yours, its private. Leave it in a secure place on your server. Do NOT expect a CA to deliver you a private key. They SIGN your server certificate request and make it official that it is yours. Your server SIGN with its private key and the certificate proves to recipients it is YOUR server.
      Hope this explains why this is by design as it is.

  11. panksy Says:

    Awesome thanks you saved me a lot of time – well obviously I wasted some before I found this.

  12. Dwarf Says:

    I appreciate your tutorial it worked !

  13. Liam Says:

    Thank you, this saved me 🙂

  14. John Says:

    This came up for us when we were updating our certificates to SHA-2. The first server worked perfectly, but on the second server the certificate kept disappearing after Completing the Certificate Request. Checking the Certificates through MMC\Certificates in the Personal\Certificates folder showed the new certificate did not have a key on it. Using the link below we exported the Private key from the first server and imported it into the second server. Once this was done a key appeared where is wasn’t and in IIS the certificate we were adding reappeared after refreshing the screen.


  15. superg2 Says:

    I get the following error and lost on what to do next

    unable to load private key
    7292:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:.\crypto\pem\pem_lib
    .c:696:Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEY
    unable to write ‘random state’

  16. Kieran Pollard Says:

    I keep getting this error Loading ‘screen’ into random state – done
    Error opening private key privatekey.txt
    4596:error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory:.\crypto\bio\
    4596:error:20074002:BIO routines:FILE_CTRL:system lib:.\crypto\bio\bss_file.c:40
    unable to load private key

    can anyone help

  17. Fadli Saad (@fadlisaad) Says:

    So your CA send you a complete certificate with its private key? Sound dubious. Normally, if you create CSR in your machine and send the CSR to your CA, the private key will never leave your machine. So for Globasign I think you create the CSR in their control panel, they process it and pass it to you. As the purpose of using SSL is to secure your server’s connection, so the tool provided by the CA is actually take away part of the security with it. In this case, the CA is storing your private key and pass it back to you.

  18. Tara Says:

    What if you don’t have a text file, but have a .crt file? How would I create the three files needed?

  19. Notes about installing SSL the long and hard way - elbsolutions.com Project List & Blog Says:

    […] from an ancient web article and a modern one – to easily import all the certificates into Windows IIS, windows requires […]

  20. Crear archivo PFX para instalar certificado SSL IIS – Conociendo aun mas Says:

    […] SQL: SSL and SQL Server 2008 – Creating the Certificate Autor cbocanegraPublicado el 11 febrero, 2019Categorías .NET, hosting – dominiosEtiquetas certificado, iis […]

  21. Abid Says:

    really excellent post. there are so many work around of this IIS bug. but i like this guy and his competencies. the way he guided . really wonderful. i was facing this issue of certificate disappearing & in mmc present. finally this helped me out. thanks dear ….realy nice post

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